MonsterQuest – review

What does Bigfoot, the Loch ness monster, a giant squid and Chupacabra all have in common? If you said they all had an X files show about them, you would be incorrect (although almost correct, because they did do a chupacabra episode, a loch ness like episode with a creature called Big blue and the jersey devil episode from season one was awfully bigfoot-esque, no giant squid…but I’m showing some of my geek stripes so I shall back off about that now…) If you said they all have their own cult followings and believers you would be correct. If you said that they all fall somewhere in the spectrum between real and complete hooey (depending on your personal level of skepticism) and they also happen to fall under the umbrella of Cryptozoology (making them cryptids) you would also be right.

Cryptozoology is the study of creatures that are reported to exist, but have not yet had any conclusive evidence of their existence. So, basically all of the above, aliens, unicorns, ghosts, vampires and the various menagerie that so-and-so’s brother-in-laws friend’s mother swears she saw type stories would all apply here. The Okapi pictured above, used to be the poster animal of the International Society of Cryptozoology, as it was a large animal that was discovered recently, if 1901 is “recently” enough for you. I belive the aforementioned society is no more, although there are lots of smaller groups dedicated to cryptozoology, or that centre around particular cryptids.  One of my favorite shows to tackle this subject is the history channels super awesome and not really scary MonsterQuest which has now made it up to season 4.

Like Ghost Hunters monster quest sets itself out as scientifically trying to prove that these creatures exist by going to the areas they are reported to be, interviewing the sometimes very normal and sometimes kinda zany locals who swear that they’ve seen them, and then doing all sorts of interesting and strange experiments to try to find them or analyze the “proof” people already have. One of the reoccurring themes is to strap cameras on various animals, from squid to sewer rats, to see if in their day to day travels in their own environment, they come across the ever popular but never really seen giant-something-or-other.

MonsterQuest can be a lot of fun, although after multiple episodes and seasons back to back, you may find yourself asking how many hairy man-beasts of varying sizes and names are really supposed to be out there. (The answer is a bazillion, I think, give or take.) Yet, watched liberally, MonsterQuest can be interesting and informative, showing off different places in the world, various scientific and pseudo scientific tests and interviews and delving deep into the various folklore that exits around each of the mythical beasts they try to, and sometimes do, discover. Also interesting is that the legacy of MonsterQuest also happens to include a video game for your PC of the same name. Now I’m gonna have to try to find it… 

Try a clip, if you dare! Mwahahahaha *cough* cough*… I mean it could be quite interesting…

4 thoughts on “MonsterQuest – review

  1. Amazingly, we actually get that program in South Africa. Can be interesting in small doses. Hubby would probably love the game. I’ll refrain from telling him it exists (unless, of course, I need him to keep busy whilst I’m blogging 🙂 )


    • Heh heh. Finding the game would probably distract me from blogging, for a bit anyway. Jury’s out on if this is a good or bad thing. I’m glad you’ve had a chance to catch this one, which works well with a small dose regimen. 🙂


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